Creating Classroom Culture Through Your Children’s Stories and Books

Educators for Peaceful Classrooms and Communities, the leading peace training organization for EC educators, offers this limited-time free workshop!

Saturday, July 22, 2023, 9:00AM to 10:30AM

About the Workshop

Do you find yourself drawn to telling stories and using books as a way to connect and understand the children and teachers in your classroom? How do you set up your environment so that your classroom community is inclusive and comfortable to be as you are? How can we customize our familiar books and props so that they are relevant, knowledgeable and in synchronization with the modern world? How can we use children's books and stories to approach potentially overwhelming and complex topics in a respectful and inclusive way?

If these questions are of interest to you, join our workshop for some wonderful examples of how stories and books have brought a community closer together through trials, tribulation and triumph!

What We Will Cover

In this workshop, we will share tips and practical ways to use props and other tools to expand on the use of books. We will offer ideas on organizing usable libraries and choosing quality books. Come join us in this interactive unique experience!

About the Presenters

Gaby Litsky

Gaby specialty is teaching Peace Education to young children, creating foundations for caring communities of learners. She has the ability to transform philosophical constructs into “on the floor” language, tools and strategies. She is also a fabric and paint artist, experienced singer and dancer.

Shirley Chen

Shirley values and upholds safe spaces and community connections with the intention of strengthening and healing. A large part of her work focuses on respectful communication and collaboration with children from 0 - 3 years of age, their families and teams.

Veronica Hernandez

Veronica has been working in the ECE field for over 20 years. First as a teacher at the Fullerton College Child Care Center and then as a Lead Teacher at the Fullerton College Department Lab School. Her passion lies in the foundations of Peace Education and the Anti-Bias approach to education.

Register for Free

Date: Saturday, July 22, 2023, 9:00AM to 10:30AM

Location: Virtual - Link will be emailed to you prior to event

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